Colin Taber
author : Colin TaberColin Taber was born in Australia in 1970 and announced his intention to be a writer at the innocent age of 6. His father, an accountant, provided some cautious advice, suggesting that life might be easier if his son pursued a more predictable vocation. \n\nHe didn't listen. \n\nIn 2009 his first novel, The Fall of Ossard, was released to open his coming of age dark fantasy. \n\nCurrently, Colin is working on the last title of that five book series, while also progressing his United States of Vinland series (USV), which launched with The Landing in 2013. USV is an alternative history that explores what may have happened if the Norse who reached North America and settled Greenland over a thousand years ago had stayed. \n\nColin has done many things over the years, from working in bookshops to event management, small press publishing, landscape design and even tree farming. All he really wants to do, though, is to get back to his oak grove and be left to write. Thankfully, with an enthusiastic and growing readership, that day is coming. View more >>